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“Writing is the geometry of the soul”


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Benefits of Publishing with Us

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25% Author Royalties

Our authors receive 25% in royalties from the net profit of each book sold. Other publishing houses will only give authors 6-10% (on average) for the first 1,000 copies sold.

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International Distribution

Our books and journal articles are distributed internationally to more than 39,000 online and in-store outlets like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Barnes & Noble. In fact, we have major printing sites all over the world to ensure your book is printed and delivered as quickly as possible with no concern for warehouse storage.

Delivery Man
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Free Promotion

Our authors receive free promotion and marketing of your book. Each book receives multiple homepage features across the internet with links to purchase the book at different retailers. Each book is also featured in different email, blog, and social media campaigns that reach hundreds of thousands followers. Our targeted email lists help ensure that the people most likely to read your book will hear about your book. For our academic authors, we also post a Call for Reviewers announcement to acquire a professional review of the book, which would then be published in SHERM Journal and potentially elsewhere.

Expanded Advertising Packages

Developed with search optimization technology, an expanded Advertising package is also available, which involves delivery of the book to one of the industry’s largest book distributors, as well as circulating information about the book to 7,000 top U.S. booksellers and librarians, as well as to over 27,000 international and domestic customers with more than 150,000 monthly views and 70,000 registered users.

Image by Joshua Earle
Image by Mr Cup / Fabien Barral

Free Typesetting, Copyediting, and Cover Design

Once a proposal has been accepted for publication, most of our authors receive free typesetting, free copyediting, and a free cover design for their manuscript. There are some rare circumstances, however, that may require hiring a third party contractor to complete unique tasks for the manuscript's publication, which may require authors to help with a portion of the costs.

Multiple Formats

All publications are released in both print and e-book Amazon kindle format.

eBook Reader
Image by Rashtravardhan Kataria

Continued Discounts to Authors

Book authors not only receive a free print copy of their book, but our book authors also receive 50% off the retail price for additional print copies of their book. And our authors are always welcome to resell their books at any price of their choosing.

©2021-Present GCRR Press / Inara Publishing
1312 17th Street  Suite 549
Denver, CO 80202

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